The following table outlines potential errors that may occur during interactions with the staker contract in GnoSwap:
Caller has no permission
Occurs when a user without the necessary permissions attempts an action restricted to authorized callers.
Not registered token
Occurs when a token used in an operation has not been registered within the staker contract.
Already registered token
Occurs when an attempt is made to register a token that has already been registered.
Can't transfer token while locked
Occurs when a user tries to transfer tokens that are currently locked and cannot be moved.
Wrap, unwrap failed
Occurs when an attempt to wrap or unwrap tokens fails, potentially due to insufficient balance or incorrect parameters.
Can not wrap less than minimum amount
Occurs when the user attempts to wrap an amount below the minimum allowed, which is not permissible.
Invalid input
Occurs when input data does not meet the required format or values for a staking operation.
Invalid unstaking fee
Occurs when an invalid unstaking fee is specified, such as a fee outside the acceptable range.
Already staekd position
Occurs when an attempt is made to stake a position that is already staked.
Pool is not incentivized
Occurs when a staking operation references a pool that has no incentives assigned.
Out of range
Occurs when a numeric value, such as a reward amount, is outside the allowed range for the staking contract.
Can not end incentive
Occurs when an incentive program is still active, and an attempt is made to end it prematurely.
Invalid incentive start time
Occurs when an invalid start time is provided for an incentive program.
Invalid incentive end time
Occurs when an invalid end time is specified for an incentive program.
Cannot use for external reward
Occurs when an attempt is made to use a non-permissible token for external rewards.
Emission minimum tier is 1
Occurs when an emission tier below the minimum required level is set, which is not allowed.
Can not default default pool tier 1
Occurs when an attempt is made to set the default emission tier for a pool to tier 1, which is restricted.
Can not delete default external token
Occurs when there is an attempt to delete a default token used for external rewards, which is not allowed.
Invalid pooPath
Occurs when an invalid or non-existent pool path is provided for staking or rewards.
Invalid pool tier
Occurs when an invalid pool tier is specified, which does not align with the staking contract's tier requirements.
Pool already has in emission target
Occurs when an attempt is made to add an emission target to a pool that already has one assigned.
Requested data not found
Occurs when the system cannot locate the requested data needed for a staking operation.
Unexepcetd calculation result
Occurs when a calculation within the staking contract produces an unexpected or invalid result.
Zero liquidity
Occurs when an operation that requires positive liquidity is attempted with zero liquidity.
Invalid incetnive duration
Occurs when the specified duration for an incentive program is outside the acceptable range.
Not allowed for external reward token
Occurs when an operation attempts to use a token not approved for external rewards.
Invalid wram-up duration
Occurs when an invalid warm-up duration is specified, which does not meet contract requirements.
Last updated
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