Increase Liquidity

Increasing Liquidity in Your Position

Add tokens to an existing position to provide more liquidity without creating a new position with an identical price range.

1. Click on your position

Under My Positions, select a position to increase liquidity.

2. Click on Increase Liquidity

Once you land on your position card, expand the Manage dropdown and click on Increase Liquidity.

3. Enter amounts

Enter the number of tokens to add to your position. Filling out one side of the pair will automatically calculate the amount of the opposite side, based on the current price of the pool and the price range of your position.

4. Preview your transaction

Review the details of your transaction and click on Confirm Increase Liquidity.

5. Approve your transaction

A pop-up from Adena will appear in a new window, prompting you to approve the transaction. Click on Approve to proceed.

6. Check your new position balance

Return to your position and check your new balance. You can also expand the Position History to double-check your transaction.

Last updated