Remove a Position

1. Find the pool

Visit the Pool Details page by clicking on the pool to remove a position.

2. Click on Remove Position

Click on the Remove Position button on the right side of the page.

3. Select positions

From the list of your positions in the pool, select the ones you'd like to remove and click on Remove Position. Note that you may only remove unstaked positions. To remove staked positions, you must first unstake them.

4. Preview your transaction

A breakdown of the selected position will appear. Review the details and click on Confirm Remove Position.

5. Approve your transaction

A pop-up from Adena will appear in a new window, prompting you to approve the transaction. Click on Approve to proceed.

6. Check your closed position

Once your transaction is complete, return to the Pool Details page and find your closed position by activating the Show closed positions toggle.

Last updated