Decrease Liquidity

Decrease Liquidity in Your Position

You may partially remove tokens from your existing position to decrease liquidity without closing it.

1. Click on your position

Under My Positions, select a position to decrease liquidity from.

2. Click on Decrease Liquidity

Once you land on your position card, expand the Manage dropdown and click on Decrease Liquidity.

3. Select a percentage

Select a percentage of liquidity to decrease from your position. The exact amount of tokens to be decreased will be displayed at the bottom. Selecting 100% will close your position. Click on Decrease Liquidity to proceed.

4. Preview your transaction

A breakdown of the selected position will appear. Review the details and click on Confirm Decrease Liquidity.

5. Approve your transaction

A pop-up from Adena will appear in a new window, prompting you to approve the transaction. Click on Approve to proceed.

6. Check your new position balance

Return to your position and check your new balance. You can also expand the Position History to double-check your transaction.

Last updated